Having a Girls’ Night In in your home is a great way to get together with friends in a comfortable, relaxed environment. A home is a safe place to kick off your shoes, sit on the floor, and laugh out loud. Many people neglect to host friends in their home because they are worried that their house isn’t clean enough or they don’t know what to serve for refreshments. However, there are few more rewarding things to do in the comfort of your own home than spend quality time with a group of friends that care for you and enjoy your company.

Here are some steps to consider for making your next Girls’ Night In a success.
- Have a Plan: Take a look at your calendar. Run some dates by your family to make sure they are available. Run those dates by your friends to see if they are available. You likely will not have a date that is perfect for everyone, but pick the date with the best responses and add it to your calendar. Brainstorm the theme, style, guest list, food, and fun for your upcoming girls’ night in.
- Prepare your Home: Don’t stress about having the perfect home for your friends to visit. That is the number 1 reason why people don’t invite friends to their home. They are worried about it not being clean enough or even fancy enough. Your house will be warm and cozy with a quick cleaning (or use guests as your excuse to give your house a careful cleaning), a candle or two, and some aromatic treats fresh from the oven.
- Keep It Simple: Don’t be overwhelmed with the details. What do good friends look forward to more. . .a dizzying array of options or quiet evening of stimulating conversation? Themes such as pajama party, spa night, swaps, book club, or wine tasting can give the evening a structure and a roadmap.
- Offer some Nibbles: If you are planning to have friends come for dinner, then you’ll need some more substantial fare. However, for an evening gathering, just a few sweet &/or savory dishes will suffice. Don’t cook? Then be sure to pick up some finger foods or prepared foods from the market that day. Or, ask friends to bring one of their favorite snacks to share. Don’t forget to have a selection of drinks sure to wet her whistle!
- Choose Entertainment Options: There is nothing wrong with a night of conversation, but to be on the safe side, it is wise to plan a couple of activities to stimulate the fun. Games such as Scattergories, Taboo, or Apple to Apples are great for big laughs. Movies such as When Harry Met Sally; Bridesmaids; Eat, Pray, Love; Crazy Stupid Love; The Heat; etc. are fun to watch with the girls.
What are your favorite tips for a fund girls’ night in? Tell us in the comments below.
Another great game to play for a girls’ night is WHAT’S A DAME TO DO? Super fun! Like Apples to Apples but funnier and girly!