In like a lion. . .March begins this Sunday. The perfect day to welcome the month in which spring becomes the official season. March is deceptively steady. The desire to begin to purge the old to prepare for the new grows strong this month. While January is about starting a new and fresh year, March has some of those same qualities. . .shedding our layers and becoming productive.

Here’s a list of things to do today to prepare for the month ahead.
- Print or set up this year’s March calendar. Take note of holidays and special occasions. Fill in your own special days: birthdays, anniversaries. Fill in any appointments your family might have for March.
- Prepare to spring forward on March 8. Get ready for darker mornings and lighter evenings.
- Begin to plan your garden. Order the seeds you’ll need. Take the opportunity to spruce up your weedy, overgrown garden plot.
- Begin to prepare your lists for spring cleaning. Later this month and into the next.
- Finish up your taxes, if you haven’t already. Time is beginning to run a little short. Get them done now while you have the time.
- Plan your spring break, whether the break from school comes during the month of March or April. What do you hope to accomplish? If you work, do you have childcare lined up?
- If your family celebrates Easter, know that it is very shortly after March ends – April 5. Begin to plan your Easter dinner and activities. Buy the supplies and ingredients you need in plenty of time.
What plans do you have for March? Members to ListPlanIt will find all the lists they need to plan for spring. Not yet a member? Join today and get organized for spring and all other upcoming occasions.