It’s the New Year! Have you made any resolutions? Do any of those resolutions involve home decorating? Sometimes, the best way to get a project completed is to resolve to do it! Consider putting some home decorating goals on your list of resolutions this year.
Rather than listing the projects and vowing to get them done, you might try a slightly different approach – resolve to have a productive attitude! Also, resolving to complete small steps can help as well.
Here are four New Year’s resolutions for home decorating to help you get started.
Clear the Clutter Step by Step.
Clearing out the clutter. Isn’t that something we all wish we could do every year? And don’t we inevitably end up overwhelmed and more buried in clutter than ever? Not this year!
Resolve to clear clutter in steps. It’s indeed overwhelming to look at your whole house and imagine tackling it all at once, not stopping until it’s finished. Instead, approach it on a room-by-room basis, resolving to clear the clutter from, say, one room a month. You could even begin with corners of rooms to make it even less overwhelming – say, clear the clutter from one corner of the living room every Saturday for four weeks. Then move on to the next room or area.
Organize Your Stuff.
You won’t be throwing away everything this year – there will be “stuff” you’ll need to organize and store in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing. Here are some suggestions:
Bring in some living houseplants.
A good goal for this year is to bring in houseplants. They are not only beautiful but they also detoxify indoor air. Sources say this is even more important if you have a lot of electronics in a room.
Take Your Time.
Rushing through something only adds stress – stress as you rush to get it done, and stress as you try to live with a job poorly done. If you’re going to go through with these resolutions (and you are!), then take your time. Don’t feel like you have to do it all at once. You have a whole year, after all!
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